Jestem Tańcem
Jestem Słońcem
Tańczę Zapach
Tańczę Smak
Tańczę Wodę
i Powietrze
Róże tańczę
I tu
Tu i tam
Ciebie tańczę
Patrz !
Ucieleśniam_Staję się_JesteMY
Bardziej i bardziej
Zawsze bardziej
Więcej bardziej
Bardziej więcej
Jeszcze więcej
Jeszcze bardziej
Jeszcze raz
Więcej bardziej
Bardziej więcej jeszcze
Jeszcze raz
Mam na imię Doma. Moje oko jest wewnątrz. W ciemności widzę bardziej więcej jeszcze.
Wieczna NieWi(A)Doma, fragment
premiera nadchodzi
w Wolności_z Wolnością_poprzez Wolność
Zawsze wiedziałam, że wiem coś bardzo ważnego, jednak nie potrafiłam tego nazwać.
Dwa dni przed Śmiercią Buśki, mojej ukochanej Babci, przypomniałam sobie o tym, co wiem.
3 czerwca 2017 roku leżąc pod drzewem na trawie w Niemczech mam sen.
Ubrana w białą bluzkę i czerwoną spódnicę stoję przy trumnie, w której leży Buśka.
Ta trumna wykonana jest z bardzo jasnego, prawie białego, surowego drewna.
Buśka leży z zamkniętymi oczami i dłońmi złożonymi na piersiach.
Jej ciało jest lekkie i swobodne, twarz miła i łagodna.
Zewsząd otoczona jest światłem, ciepłym, mlecznym, bardzo jasnym światłem.
To światło jest bardzo jasne, prawie za jasne, białe.
Białe światło jest wszędzie.
Moi najbliżsi są ze mną.
Nie widzę ich, ale wiem, że są.
Razem czcimy ten czas.
Jestem w Błogości, w Pokoju, w Radości.
Budzę się ze snu, siadam po turecku, zamykam oczy i towarzyszę Buśce w jej podróży poprzez Śmierć.
Następnego ranka dzwonię do Rodziców w Polsce i dowiaduję się, że Buśka miała zawał,
jest w szpitalu i za 2 dni rozpocznie rehabilitację.
Dzwonię do Buśki.
W słuchawce telefonu czuję, że ona jest bardzo daleko.
Odpoczywaj Busiu. Odpoczywaj teraz.
Nie wiem czy mnie słyszy.
Wiem, że jest już bardzo daleko.
Jestem spokojna.
Tego wieczoru tańczę dla Buśki.
Ku Twojej radości i na Twoją cześć Busiu!
Po północy dowiaduję się, że Buśka umarła.
Jestem w Pokoju.
Jestem w Błogości.
Jeszcze raz żegnam Buśkę.
Żyj Busiu! Żyj TERAZ, mówię poprzez łzy.
Gdy budzę się następnego ranka, słyszę śpiew ptaków i bicie mojego serca.
Jestem w Pokoju, w Błogości, w Radości.
There is nothing to fear.
There is nothing to fear my Beloved.
You are loved.
Beyond everything. Beneath everything.
In between all that is you are loved.
Absolutely and totally.
You are loved fully and freely.
You are forever within the expanding source of love.
You are where I am.
I am where you are.
Feel love.
Feel your source.
Feel your source within your breath.
Here I AM
Ola, co-creating with you for me was and still is a continuing journey. A journey because it constantly throws me into a realm of the unexpected, not knowing. To some degree this is also the essence of the learning I took from being with you: practicing to integrate the „not-knowing“ into the practice itself. I don’t know if you remember but after our first stream of „CreA(C)TIONing the WON“ you said you’re missing the „US“ in the creation. At that point I realized that I was in a way constantly trying to deliberately „exclude“ this US – how I perceived it – from the creation and it gave me some relief when I realised that it wasn’t necessary at all. This moment for me felt like the coming up after a dive, the head breaks through the surface of the water and you take this first powerful, deep and longing breath. You shake your head and look around, taking note of the whole new environment. Everything changes, the way you hear, the way you see and the way you move. You remember how it was being under water, how it felt and how you were. You realise that you’d have never been able to foresee how it is to be above the surface because you didn’t know there was a surface until you broke through it. You realise that you broke through the surface almost via accident. Something brought you here. It wasn’t you. And yet it was you. A great freedom arises. A joy. A realization of how things really are. Gratefulness. Maybe some glimpse of bliss.
Although, this breaking through the surface was stretched over a longer period of time as it was happening in the time- space dimension.
So, by now I think that with the end of “CreaA(C)TIONing the WON” something crucial changed for me. It appears to me like the coming-to-an-end of a cycle, like the death and new-birth of something. Like revealing and disappearing in a single moment.
When I think about it now it seems to me that during all our other creations I was kind of still under-water, diving deeper and deeper, discovering all these hidden, dark, beautiful, scary, and mystical places. Getting in touch with many vulnerable sides of my being. And all this took place in a very sensitive, yet very conscious space that was provided by you. For me. At least, this is how it felt for me. I kind of relied onto you knowing, sensing, being capable of getting in touch with all these different states of mine. Right know it comes to me, that this might be because you were capable of all these different states of yourself, within yourself. I do not know, and it may not be of great importance now but what I’m trying to say is that I was primarily learning from you. And some part of me knew that what I was learning was of great importance and I was supposed to learn it. Just like I was supposed to break through the surface though I never knew there was a surface until I found myself above.
So, if I am trying to think of what mainly has changed since my breakthrough it comes to me a greater sense of self- awareness and also self-consciousness. Because the uncomprising and powerful way in which you were following your way of being and creating inspired me to trust into what was happening. This trust was based on my again-and-again experiencing you as the most integer person I have ever met so far. And this becomes even more meaningful as it is through you also that I have experienced many aspects of being that are beyond the person. So it is this combination of a grounded person that is open for the non-personal that provided me with trust that was beyond any doubt because it was beyond mind, beyond the person and something in me intuitively resonated with that. So my person was able to let go, more and more, step by step, little by little.
So maybe this is another part of the essence of how I experience co-creating with you, a constant letting-go.
When I now think of the creations themselves they seem very strange to me in some way. What makes them meaningful to me is my own path of co-creating with you and all these experiences I mentioned before. They are all in these creations. When I think of it now it also comes that watching or listening to them usually puts me in a state of higher vibration. This is how I experience it. My body is soothing, relaxing and vibrating, maybe tingling at the same time. I become very calm but also very open and sensitive. So it is also a very intimate experience for me which also makes it kind of challenging. Right now I think that this is also a reason why I rarely watch or listen to them. There’s always something inside of me trying to avoid this experience. Though, it is very pleasurable everytime.
When I’m thinking of the aspect of sound and being an instrumentalist in this setting it appears to me that on the one hand this was not so relevant at all. On the other hand these experiences shaped my understanding of being an artist and thus also an instrumentalist. Right now I think that it was about bringing together two different aspects of the same: the aspect of being in a space of not-knowing, infinite beyond-person being and the very concrete, almost infinetesimal small aspect of hitting something, making a sound, moving, shaping the physical world.
In the first aspect it may happen that this infinity becomes so vast, so overwhelming that it may appear absolutely meaningless to do anything at all. It takes away every meaning which may cause something like a crisis at some point. I can do anything. So why should I actually do anything at all?
Letting this vast meaninglessness eat up everything and accompanying it with sound has changed my approach and view of being an artist because it rearranged my set of values.
And now I would say that the most important value or rather insight is, that none of them two – the infinite nor the concrete – are of more or less importance than the other.
They are both part of the same. The same ongoing I-dont-know what beautiful crazy something.
Robert Fischer
Perkusista, Multi-Instrumentalista, WspółTwórca DANCE BY MY GRAVE, WONOW, CreA(C)TIONingTheWON, StrangePeaceByGanga i innych dzieł, Niemcy
Having worked with Aleksandra on a few occasions, my experience of her movement and art is at once transformative, yet matter of fact. She embodies a clarity and richness that is compelling. Being thoroughly rooted and grounded in the human form, Aleksandra has the preternatural ability to transcend the mundane and evoke the images, impressions, and patterns that comprise a reality that parallels our own, but clearly encompasses more. She is totally dedicated and committed to her art and its place in her life.
Ray Chung, Contact Improvisation Dancer and Teacher, USA
Współtworząc z Aleksandrą kilkakrotnie, doświadczyłem jej ruchu, tańca i sztuki jako transformujące i jednocześnie rzeczowe. Aleksandra uosabia jasność i bogactwo, które jest zniewalające. Dokładnie zakorzeniona i uziemiona
w ludzkiej formie, posiada nadprzyrodzoną zdolność do przekraczania przyziemności i przywoływania obrazów, wrażeń i wzorców, które składają się na rzeczywistość podobną do naszej, lecz obejmującą wyraźnie więcej. Aleksandra jest całkowicie oddana i zaangażowana w swoją sztukę i jej miejsce w jej życiu.
Ray Chung, tancerz i nauczyciel Kontakt Improwizacji, USA
Seeing Aleksandra dancing is deeply touching. All her body seems perfectly organised to receive and play with a mysterious flow. Dancing with her is a great gift. It is like being lifted and anchored at the same time. Something largely expands in the perceptive field. It is a precious experience of freedom and letting go.
It feels like a healing of the soul.
Aurélie Delarue, Dancer, Choreographer, Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner, France
Widok tańczącej Aleksandry jest głęboko poruszający. Całe jej ciało wydaje się być doskonale zorganizowane, by przyjmować i bawić się z tajemniczym przepływem. Taniec z nią jest wielkim darem. To jak bycie unoszonym
i zakotwiczanym jednocześnie. Coś znacznie się poszerza w polu percepcyjnym. Cenne doświadczanie wolności
i odpuszczania. Jakby uzdrawienie duszy.
Aurélie Delarue, tancerka, choreografka, praktyk Body-Mind Centering®, Francja
Aleksandra has an amazing energy and I love working with her. She is perceptive, intelligent and inspiring. She brings to the work a great enthusiasm and creative joy. Aleksandra is a marvellous asset to have in any situation: she is strong, hard working and a brilliant improvisor. I had a fantastic time working with her.
I highly recommend Aleksandra.
Nigel Charnock, Choreographer, Director, Performer, Co-Founder of DV8 Physical Theatre, UK
Aleksandra ma niesamowitą energię, uwielbiam z nią pracować. Jest spostrzegawcza, inteligentna i inspirująca. Wnosi do pracy wielki entuzjazm i twórczą radość. Aleksandra jest wspaniałym atutem w każdej sytuacji:
jest silna, pracowita i świetnie improwizuje. Fantastycznie mi się z nią pracowało.
Gorąco polecam Aleksandrę.
Nigel Charnock, choreograf, reżyser, performer, współzałożyciel DV8 Physical Theatre, UK
Aleksandra has a fluid and very sensitive movement quality coupled with technical skills. Her dance dialogues with unformulated fields within and connects to the unknown. This ability to combine form and non-form can lead to a high level of artistic expression.
Nadia Vadori-Gauthier, PhD, Performance Artist – Researcher and Teacher, France
Aleksandra ma płynną i bardzo wrażliwą jakość ruchu połączoną z umiejętnościami technicznymi. Tańcząc komunikuje się z nieokreślonymi polami wnętrza i łączy z nieznanym. Jej zdolność scalania formy i nie-formy może owocować wysokim wyrazem artystycznym.
dr Nadia Vadori-Gauthier, Artystka Performatywna – Badaczka i Pedagożka, Francja
You have an articulation in your body — and what’s called permeability that I have rarely seen in that extreme. For me, it often felt as if I were able to precisely see what was going on in your mind, as it seemed always very close to your body and completely (well, to the extent that it is possible) expressed in your body…
What you were doing in my eyes: I think you have read and learned about Tillion, I don’t know if a lot, but I think with a lot of care. And you took cues from Bert’s text and the way that your fellow performers reacted to it. And you did so very sensitively. I admit, if I’m right here, you’re probably more sensitive than I am and that means a lot.
I believe, through this you got a very clear, but very intuitive grasp of the spirit of Germaine Tillion. The spirit is what is expressed in words and with images that we understand in words. The spirit is a structure that you had an intuitive grasp on — I believe. You were filling this structure with your soul that is expressed in your body. Thus, we could see Ola Scibor suffer, fight and triumph in the way that Germaine Tillion did as we can understand her. Your performance, when you are at your best, is very raw and very direct. It was exactly what was needed. You’re a great artist.
Oliver Utis, Director of Die Unverfügbaren, Germany
Masz w ciele artykulację, przenikalność, jaką rzadko widziałem na scenie do tego stopnia. Często czułem jakbym dokładnie wiedział co dzieje się w twoim umyśle ponieważ on zawsze zdawał się być bardzo blisko z twoim ciałem
i w pełni (oczywiście jak to tylko możliwe) w twoim ciele się wyrażać…
Oliver Utis, reżyser spektaklu Die Unverfügbaren, Niemcy
Moja twórczość jest darem Mojego Serca, Serca Mojej Świadomości.
W Wolności_z Wolnością_poprzez Wolność.
Dla Ciebie.
Jeśli czujesz Moje Słowa w Twoim Sercu, w Sercu Twojej Świadomości,
i pragniesz przekazać mi dar finansowy, tu możesz to zrobić.