Welcome back home
Welcome back home
I am moved, elated and honoured to welcome you back home
I welcome you and I celebrate you
NOW and NOW and NOW
Again anew more NOW
I inVITE you back into You,
the finite you back into the INfinite You,
the INfinite You back into the finite you,
I inVITE you to reYOUnite
in the body_with the body_through the body.
I inVITE you back INTO the body,
the physical body
the physical body is non-physical.
The physical body is Consciousness Pure
materialising and manifesting,
continuing to be NOW and NOW and NOW
I inVITE you in Freedom_with Freedom_through Freedom.
My invitation is (w)holistically multi-, intra- and inter-dimensional.
I AM_continue to be_CREAte and co-CREAte in_with_through my YOUnique HUman Body BEing IAM
INto WithIN
Merging WithIN into WithOUT
NOW and NOW and NOW
Organically and logically
The SOURCE and ReSource BEing a HUman Body,
YOUnique HUman Body BEing IAM,
So that WeAM
BEcoming back into the body
in_with_through motion
rewiring the nervous system
in_with_through breath
practising BEing
in_with_through “stillness”