Dancing Back Home An 8-Day 1:1 Dancing Journey Back Into The Body Where is your home? When is your home? How are you there? How are you here? (T)here NOW - where and when - You AM Are you where You AM? Are you when You AM? Are you within? Are you in You? Are you with You? Are you through You? Are you You? I wholebodily inVITE you back into your body for it is in_with_through the body, the physical body, that You AM THE PHYSICAL BODY IS NOT A MASS OF “FLESH AND BONES” DETERMINED TO DETERIORATE AND DIE. THE PHYSICAL BODY IS CONSCIOUS. THE PHYSICAL BODY IS THE CONSCIOUSNESS BODY. THE PHYSICAL BODY IS CONSCIOUSNESS. THE BODY IS CONSCIOUSNESS PURE MATERIALISING AND MANIFESTING, CONTINUING TO BE NOW AND NOW AND NOW YOUR BODY IS NOT A MASS OF “FLESH AND BONES” DETERMINED TO DETERIORATE AND DIE. YOUR PHYSICAL BODY IS CONSCIOUS. YOU BODY ARE CONSCIOUSNESS. YOU BODY ARE YOU CONSCIOUSNESS PURE MATERIALISING AND MANIFESTING, CONTINUING TO BE NOW AND NOW AND NOW I inVITE you back into your body into you body back into You Body AM I inVITE you to DANCE for it is in_with_through dance that we celebrate, BACK - to recreate_remember_reYOUnite, HOME - INTO WITHIN - inwards - to turn into You - to return into You. Find the details (t)here: DancingBackHome_8-Day_1:1_Journey book a free consultation